Nov 22, 2008


cuti telah bermula..
so aku akan stop berblogging ni sbb kat umah xd internet..
jumpa lagi next sem..

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Nov 21, 2008

new line up band..

fuh!! first time jamming ngan line up baru terdiri daripada naim (vocal), syimie (lead guitar), yap (2nd guitar), farid (drum), capoi (2nd drum), dan aku (bass)..1st time jamming ngan depa cukup layan..kmi bwk lagu metal, pop yeh yeh dan jiwang..menjadi gak la sbb 1st time kn..phm2 ja la..lead mmg menjadi, 2nd guitar lyn ja tempo, farid pnya drum xyah cakap la..mmg mantap..skali dgaq lagu dh leh masuk dh..caya la farid..2nd drummer, capoi baru nk blajaq dari farid, bleh tahan la..lari tempo 2 kira besa la tok 1st men drum..hehe..dan aku cm besa la..ikut ja..heheh..jnji sdap..keseluruhannya mmg best la jamming ngan new line time nk jamming g..ak dh addict dh..haha..

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Nov 20, 2008

masa berdanska..

exam dh abes..
skrng masa tok berdanska..

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Nov 18, 2008


reggae is one music that i really love! why? because it makes me relax and realize that what really matters in this whole wide world is love!

i love reggae since i was in high school. yup, no one in my school that i'm aware of, have the same passion. maybe i haven't ask around that much, but people relate reggae with weeds. oh, come on! u shouldn't be prejudice! if people love hardcore music, then they are hardheaded? if they love jazz, then they are smart? if they love hip hop or rap, they are the coolest? come on! your minds have greater potential than that. use it wisely!

i love reggae because its beat rhyme singularly with me... they flow together... dup dap dup dap dup dap... it makes me feel good... and the lyrics, they are not rebellious like u might think. MAYBE bob was rebellious (in a way) and he used his lyrics to speak his mind, but most of them are purely about love, about being humans who need love and peace in their life, just like me! i need love, that's why i care so much about my dad, my mom, my sister, my brothers, my best friends, my friends and everybody else.

All i care about is being a good human being and care about others. maybe most of us don't care, but what we choose reflects who we are exactly. so, choose wisely... but who knows, i may have chose the wrong option. i believe that i will get the right answer to it later, but for today, that's what reggae is to me!

-reggae soul from reditumerah-


-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Nov 14, 2008

exam week..

huh..dh final exam dh..stakat ni dh abes 3 paper..
tnggal lg 2..kaw2 susah..papa pun ak ttp rock, steady, go..
chow cincau bancau

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Nov 6, 2008

coursework mark IS..

hahah..dgn bangganya ak nk gtaw ak dpt 49.5 / 60..huahuahua..
tp yg x puas aty adalah nuar dpt 50..kenapa? kenapa?
tp x ksh la..jnji rock..hahah..tahniah nuar..

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Nov 4, 2008

aku ingin dreadlock..

bila rambut aku nk panjang neh??
aku mahu dreadlock..
cm bob marley..
tp kini aku terpaksa tunggu dan tunggu da terus menuggu..
dreadlock sempurnakan hidupku..

-reggae soul from reditumerah-



Kini aku baru tersedar
Terjaga aku dari lamunan
Setelah sekian lama hidup dalam kealpaan
Kau lihatlah sekelilingmu musibah apa yang berlaku
Keamanan yang kau laungkan
Itu omongan kosong belaka

Janganlah engkau bermimpi
Hidup satu realiti
Haruslah terus mencari

Bukan mainan dijiwa
Keikhlasan itu penawar
Kehormatan yang abadi

Itu yang mereka ciptakan
Itu yang mereka agungkan
Ada mata kau lihatlah ada hati jangan dibenci
Ada kasih juga rindu emansipasi jiwa ini

Bangun aku menentang arus
Biar aku dapat berubah
Tuhan sinarilah cahayamu kepada aku yang merindu
Takkanku biarkan diri ini
Tersesat oleh kebingungan
Tersesat oleh kepalsuan
Syaitan yang bercumbu dijiwa.........

-reggae soul from reditumerah-



jangan kau pandang hina
terhadap diri ku
aku juga manusia sama seperti mu
walaupun kita berbeza penampilan diri ini
aku juga punya hati jiwa dan perasaan

aku ini bukannya makhluk asing
berkepala besar punya kapal angkasa
aku ini bukannya dari jupiter sama sepertimu makhluk dibumi
kita ini tiada bezanya o o ohh..o o ohh..
tiada bezanya..

tiap yang bernyawa oh insan kau punya pilihan
tak kira apa kau lakukan kebaikan atau keburukan
mau kau jadi apa tetapkanlah pendirianmu
tepuk lah dada o oh..tanya selera..

kita ini yang bernama manusia
dianugerahkan Tuhan akal dan fikiran
jangan sesekali kau hilangkan pertimbangan mu
kelak kehidupanmu itu ditimpa bencana

-reggae soul from reditumerah-


janganlah kau berduka
jiwa lara yg merana
ikutlah rentak naluri hatimu
jgn biarkan batinmu yg tersiksa...

oh..rahsia......... 4x

buatlah apa saja
ikutlah kehendak mu
biarlah apa saja
asalkan tak mengganggu

semoga kau bahagia
puaskanlah hatimu
segala apa yg difikirkan
terbuku dalam jiwamu

ulang * **

bukannya berada di kiri
bukan berada di sebelahan
tiada jua di daratan
tiada berada di awangan

rindu dlm kesamaran
keluh rasa segala dugaan

bersama KU kita mencari
bersama HU kita menari

ulang * **

-reggae soul from reditumerah-



Mi see inna the world no nice,
Why they all be so fool, why they all be so fool,
They fussing and fighting, cheating backbiting,

I want to know,
All the stronger want to conquer the world,
And the weakness be slavery,
with no smile we see.

I see mi life, mi want no trouble,
Mi massive all humans one another,
But they feet our son with the rude boy mind,
with the rude boy song, with the rude boy style,
Babylon no way to dung,
You no human can fight, you stand alone,
We belongs together be as one,
Make love one to another.

We been trick by the evil,
with the words of peace and harmony,
No slavery no happiness,
No chain on my feet but no freedom.

I want to know,
Love will make the strong to kind to a weak,
Come on world come together to love,
Lets make the devil fall.

Give mi love and i will stand strong,
Only it can make, Us carry on

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

besday rudy..

setelah sekian lama ak mendiamkan diri..hari ni ak muncul gak..hehe..mlm td ak ngan mmbr2 smbut besday rudy..kali ni kmi prank dia kaw2 pnya sbb slalu dia yg dok wat kat bdn dia pnuh disiram dgn kuah kari fresh dari Ameeth, sos cili yg dicuri oleh mamok dri KFC, telur 6 bijik, tepung jagung 2 pack, air coke 1 botol, dan last skali air paip berbaldi-baldi..heheh..bru puas aty ak..ari 2 time besday ayoh dia smbah kuah kacang kat ak..kali ni bru dia taw..haha..pas abes knakn dia..kmi pun mkn ayam KFC yg disponsor oleh ayoh..ak ingt dh slamat dh la sbb ak x kna papa pun..pas2 last2 kna gak tepung dan air..dh nasib bdn..hehehe..lyn ja..jnji x kna sos ngan kuah kari..hehe..pas2 kmi pun trjun kolam..hehe..siap leh bsuh2 bju yg kotor g..nsib la sapa2 yg p mndi kat kolam pasni..haha..k la..dh ngantok..mau tdoq..chow cincau..

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Sep 22, 2008

seminggu sebelum raya..

assignments..tests..quizzes..rakan muda dynamic agrotech camp..huh..mmg walau cmna pun..ak tetap rileks ja..(rileks2 shopping complex ar)..huahuahua..ari ni dh ari isnin..mngu depan dh raya..reja bertimbun x suma sbb sngja cari nahas..leh wat awai2 xmau..dok delay2..smpi la nk cuti raya bru kalut nk wat..ingt masuk sem baru leh berubah haram gak..reja malas nk wat..dh terpaksa bru gegeh nk pulun bg prabih..haha..nk raya pun dh x feel dh..pas blik raya kna antaq assignment g..pas2 test lg..lg..dan lg..smpi la abes sem ni..x berubah-ubah gak..hahaha..xtaw la nk jd pa dh..gila2 remaja..otak jd khayal..haha..chow

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Sep 21, 2008

kesyahduan band..

pada pg smlm iaitu lam kul 1 lbeh cm2..ak dan beberapa rakan band ak, afif dan wan telah berusaha untuk membuat video clip raya tok dibagi kpd suma techies..hehe..kmi bertungkus-lumus tok menyiapkan rakaman lagu 2 smpi la kul 6 pro la kpd suma techies tgu lah video clip kami ni ek..besa2 ja..just tok suka2..smpena hari raya kali ni..chow

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Sep 17, 2008

apa itu tag???

kali ni ak di tag pleh ujie?? apa 2 tag?? ak pun xtaw..heheh..x pnah pun bnda2 ni..ujie tulis kat blog dia swoh ak explain tntng dri meh nk cita ckit..hehehe..ntah btol la x ak pun xtaw la pa yg ak tulis ni..heheh

nama : Abdul Hakim Bin Naser
nick : Reditumerah
status : single mingle in da lonely jungle..
umur : 19 tahun (2008)
besday : 22 April 1989
asal : Pulau Pinang Pulau Mutiara..
tempat lahir : umah tok ak kat gelugoq..
time lahir : smsa mak ak tgh mkn burger atas katil..
yg sambut ak : mak cik mimi ak..
hospital daftar ak : Hospital Besar Pulau Pinang
alamat : 5, Jalan Berlian 1, Bagan Ajam, 13000 Butterworth, Pulau Pinang
tadika : Tadika Kemas Jalan Pegawai
sekolah rendah : SRJK (C) Jit Sin 'B', Bukit Mertajam
sekolah menengah : SMJK Jit Sin (Form 1-3), SMJK Chung Ling (Form 4-5)
universiti : Universiti Teknologi Petronas
course : Business Information System
tahun : 1st Year 1st Sem (July 08)
kegemaran : lepak2..jamming..on9..futsal..n the most valuable thing-OLAHRAGA..
makanan kegemaran : ikan belah blkng yg mak ak wat..
minuman kegemaran : horlicks ais & horlicks suam..
barang kegemaran : PHH 6144, Ibanez Soundgear GSR180-TR, Kapok..
bahasa pertuturan : melayu, english, mandarin, hokkien, kantonis..
band : ex-bassist The Gay's (The Retral's-now), bassist/vokal Kesyahduan Band
influece : Bob Marley, Gerhana Ska Cinta, Purevibracion, Republic Of Brickfield..
muzik : reggae(roots, modern), ska, pop jazz..
idol : Tun Mahathir..

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

pak guard & futsal...

mlm td..16 sep 2008..ak ngan nuar p men futsal..time kmi bru ja kuaq dri v2..terserempak lak ngan pak guard..dh la kmi x pki helmet..pas2 ak pun pecut la..tiba2 dia follow kot blkng lak..ak pun pa lg..cabut la..pas2 ak msuk kot blok O..dia follow g..nuar dh ketaq dh sbb takut pak guard 2 cm..ak rileks besa truih blah..dia follow g..tiba2 ak tgk dia dh ilang dh..hahaha..kecut ngan Phh 6144 ak la 2..hehe..pas2 tok kslmtn ak pun msuk parking kat v1..risau gak kalo ak blah nnt terjmpa dia lg..cmfrm kna saman..hehehe..pas2 nuar p msuk blik mmber dia tukaq bju ngan suaq len takut pak guard 2 cm..pas2 mula2 ingt nk jln kaki..pas2 ak mlas, then amik blik moto blah p sport cmplex..heheh..cm2 la cita dia..x mncabar lngsng pak guard 2..hahahah..chow

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Sep 16, 2008

Yuna - Dan Sebenarnya

hari ni ak happy..1st time ak cari chord tok lagu ni..berjaya gak akhirnya..nkkta 100% sama 2 x bg ak kra ok la..quite similar with the original song..sbnrnya ak dh susun dh kat mana letak setiap chord kat cni dia kuaq suma chord berada pndi2 la ek nk arrange ikut sedap arap2 sapa2 yg baca blog ak ni leh ar try..then bg komen ka..or nk share chord ka..heheh..that's all..thx

Yuna-Dan Sebenarnya (100% buatan Reditumerah)

intro :
Cm Dm A#
Cm Dm A#

oh bulan
Dm A#
jangan layan diriku lagi
Dm A#
air mata membasahi pipi
Cm Dm A#
dan lagu2 di radio seolah2 memerli aku
Dm A#
kau bersama yg lain

Cm Dm
adakah perasaaan benci ini sebenarnya cinta
Cm A#
yang masih bersemadi untukmu
dan sebenarya ku mengharapkan
di sebalik senyuman mu itu
Dm C#m Cm A#
kau juga merindui aku

Cm Dm A# x2

ku enggan
Dm A#
berpura pura ku bahagia
ku enggan
Dm A#
melihat kau bersama si dia
oh ku akui cemburu
Dm A#
telah menular dalam diri
Dm A#
kau bersama yang lain

Cm Dm
adakah perasaaan benci ini sebenarnya cinta
Cm A#
yang masih bersemadi untukmu
dan sebenarya ku mengharapkan
di sebalik senyuman mu itu
Dm C#m Cm A#
kau juga merindui aku

Cm Dm
pabila kau merenung matanya
ku rebah,
jatuh ke bumi
Cm Dm
di saat kau benar-benar mahu pergi
Dm Cm
seperti ku bernafas dalam air

Cm Dm A# x2

Cm Dm
adakah perasaaan benci ini sebenarnya cinta
Cm A#
yang masih bersemadi untukmu
dan sebenarya ku mengharapkan
di sebalik senyuman mu itu
Dm C#m Cm A#
kau juga merindui aku

Cm Dm
Cm A#
Cm Dm Dm C#m Cm
Cm A#

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Sep 14, 2008

Suasana Hari Raya..

Sempena hari raya ni..ak nk post chord lagu kat sapa2 yg teringin nk men lagu raya..
chord dia simple ja..mana taw kot2 pas goreng lagu ni lg smngt nk raya..hehe

Anuar Zain & Ellina - Suasana Hari Raya

Intro : Em A D Bm Em A D

Em A D Bm
Berlalulah sudah ramadan sebulan berpuasa
Em A D D7
Tiba syawal kita rayakan dengan rasa gembira
G A D Bm
Anak muda di rantauan semuanya pulang ke desa
Em A D
Ibu dan ayah keriangan bersyukur tak terkira
Em A D Bm
Bertukar senyuman dan salam ziarah-menziarahi
Em A D D7
Tutur dan kata yang sopan saling memaafi
G A D Bm
Suasana hari raya walau di mana pun jua
Em A D
Memberikan ketenangan dan mententeramkan jiwa

Chorus 1:
Em A D
Kuih dan muih beranika macam
Em A D
Makanlah jangan hanya di pandang
Em A D
Ketupat rendang sila nikmati kawan
Em A D
Penat memasak malam ke pagi
Em A D
Wajik dan dodol jangan lupakan
Em A D
Peninggalan nenek zaman berzaman
Em A D
Asyik bersembang pakcik dan makcik
Em A D
Hai duit raya lupa nak di beri

Em A D Bm Em A D
Em A D Bm Em A D

Em A D Bm
Berlalulah sudah ramadan sebulan berpuasa
Em A D D7
Tiba syawal kita rayakan dengan rasa gembira
G A D Bm
Anak muda di rantauan semuanya pulang ke desa
Em A D
Ibu dan ayah keriangan bersyukur tak terkira

Ulang Chorus

Em A D Bm Em A D
Em A D Bm Em A D

-reggae soul from reditumerah-


Ibanez Soundgear GSR180-TR & Kapok

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Sep 12, 2008


huh..setelah sekian lama..akhirnya ak smpi gak ke sport complex mlm td tok men futsal ngan mmber2 ak..besa la kalo dh lama x men..bdn pun sakit semcm ja kalo men lama sngt..heheh..dh la rmi gila futsal ja..1 team smpi 11 org..hahaha..lyn ja time tgh syok2 dok..da 2 org mamat negro tiba2 my masuk kat tmpt kami men futsal 2 ckp nk men sbb rmi sngt org so kmi men la kat basketball court..pas2 mula halau depa xmau blah..dh 2 kmi pun wat kering ja..smbung men cm besa..pas2 bru nk blah..reti bhsa gak mamat2 2..hahah..kmi men dri kul 10.30 mlm smpi kul bpa pun ak xtaw..mybe smpi kul 12 lbeh kot..heheh..k la..mau tdoq..chow
-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Sep 11, 2008

Gerakan Rastafara

Gerakan Rastafari, adalah sebuah gerakan agama baru yang mengakui Haile Selassie I, bekas raja Ethiopia, sebagai Raja diraja, Tuan dari segala Tuan dan Singa Yehuda sebagai Yah (nama Rastafari untuk Allah, yang merupakan bentuk singkat dari Yehovah yang ditemukan dalam Mazmur 68:4 dalam Alkitab versi Raja James), dan sebahagian dari Tritunggal Kudus. Nama Rastafari berasal dari Ras Täfäri, nama Haile Selassie I sebelum ia dinobatkan menjadi raja. Gerakan ini muncul di Jamaica di antara kaum kulit hitam kelas pekerja dan petani pada awal tahun 1930-an, yang berasal dari suatu penafsiran terhadap nubuat Alkitab, aspirasi sosial dan politik kulit hitam, dan ajaran nabi mereka, seorang penerbit dan organisasi Jamaica kulit hitam, Marcus Garvey, yang visi politik dan budayanya ikut menolong menciptakan suatu pandangan dunia yang baru. Gerakan ini kadang-kadang disebut “Rastafarianisme”; namun hal ini dianggap tidak pantas dan menyinggung perasaan banyak kaum Rasta.

Gerakan Rastafari telah menyebar di berbagai tempat di dunia, terutama melalui imigrasi dan minatnya dilahirkan oleh musik Nyahbinghi dan reggae —khususnya musik Bob Marley, yang dibaptiskan dengan nama Berhane Selassie (Cahaya Tritunggal) oleh Gereja Ortodoks Ethiopia sebelum ia meninggal, sebuah langkah yang juga diambil alih oleh jandanya, Rita. Pada tahun 2000, ada lebih dari satu juta Rastafari di seluruh dunia. Sekitar 5-10% dari penduduk Jamaica mengidentifikasikan dirinya sebagai Rastafari. Kebanyakan kaum Rastafari vegetarian atau hanya memakan jenis-jenis daging tertentu. Di AS ada banyak sekali restoran vegetarian Hindia Barat, yang menyediakan makanan Jamaica.
-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Rastafari, dreadlock,rasta

hmmm… ya dengan senang hati tuk berkongsi ilmu mengenai musik dari Jamaica iaitu Reggae & foundation nilai2nya iaitu RasTafar I…
persepsi yang harus diluruskan adalah tak semua muzik Reggae itu adalah Rastafarian…
karena dalam segi musik, Reggae itu sebatas seni…
tetapi itu tergantung kpd seniman cara membawa musik Reggae,
hanya sebagai musik penghibur atau musik yang boleh membuat perubahan ?
Reggae is Reggae, Rasta is Rasta…
Rasta adalah revolusioner, mempunyai misi/visi tertentu…
belum tentu seorang Dreadlock adalah Rasta…
Rasta is kehidupan, Rasta adalah jalan hidup… tidak boleh dipelajari, hanya boleh dirasakan & dijalankan.
Rastaman seorang yang memiliki rasa spiritual yang tinggi(bukan religius)…
bersih dari perilaku Babylon, rendah hati…
dan belajar dari Raja untuk menghapuskan ketidakadilan, kebodohan,kekerasan,rasisme,perang…
dan raja itu adalah Yang Mulia Haile Selassie Pertama,
beliau juga sahabat Bung Karno, satu jalan tuk menghancurkan imperiailisme & neo-kololianisme…

kata “Rastafar I ” adalah nama lahir Haile Selassie,
Ras : gelar bangsawan Etiopia yang setara dengan Raden…
Tafar I artinya pencipta…
Ras Tafar I … Panglima pencipta kedamaian
yah… semoga boleh membuka wawasan brother.

Bless-ed Love & Guidance.
Selassie- I
-H.E. Ras Muhamad -

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Sep 6, 2008


ari ni sngt2 la hepy..ak dpt bli gak bass gitar baru..ibanez td ak,mira,anis,zyker ngan afif gerak dri utp kul 10.30..trus ke Ebony,kedai gitar kat ipoh 2..msuk2 ja kedai 2 ak trus nmpk bass gitar yg ak lg..trus mntk nk test..heheh..pas2 tnya harga pa suma..then kawtim ckit ngan boss 2..dpt la RM750 skali ngan beg..hehhe..pas2 ak p amik cucuk duit..heheh..slmt da balance g tok wat blnja bulan ak x ksh la..jnji dpt bass gitar yg ak nk..heheh..mission ak strusnya nk bli amp tnya boss kedai 2 dia ckp lam ujung bulan ni lak bru nk bli..tgu scholar masuk..hehehe..k la..nk lyn bass bru ak neh..chow
-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Computerku hidup kembali..

mlm kelmarin ak install yahoo widget dr dc++ 2..pas2 tiba2 comp ak asyk dok shut down sndri ja..bnyk kali lak 2..pas2 dh tension2 ak trus p tdoq..pas2 td ptg pas smyg jumaat ak swoh zyker tlng check..dia swoh ak format len..ak pun try la nk format..tgk2 xleh gak..tension lg..pas2 zyker pun amik hard disk ak p format kat blik afif..dh 2 ak blik nk psng kat CPU ak blik la..dh abes psng kuaq plak bnda2 mengarut kat screen monitor ak 2..haih..tension2..nk format g skali xleh gak..dia tulis pa xtaw..hehehe..pas2 dh mlm 2 pas bkak posa ak swoh la ilhami tlng check kn..mana taw kot2 leh elok ka..dia pun bkak pi bkak my CPU ak..x idup gak..blank ja screen 2..haih..pas2 dh bengang gila ak pun off la comp ak 2..nk p smbung tdoq..pas2 tiba2 wafi call ak nk pnjm moto sbb nk p amik moto dia kat tmn maju..pas2 ak pun teman la dia p amik moto dia..then kmi p minum dlu kat Salam..ak pun cita la problem ak..then kmi pun blik..lepak sat ja pun..wafi blnja minum..heheh..smpi ja utp wafi trus my blik ak check comp ak..abes graphic card dia cabut..cuci2 la..pas2 check hard disk la..then akhirnya kul 1 cm2 bru leh bkak comp ak..pas2 ak pun format la lg skali..then install papa bnda yg patut..hehe..alhamdulillah..skrng ak nk tdoq..dh kul 3.40 pg..chow
-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Sep 1, 2008

1st day puasa..

pejam celik pejam celik dh posa dh..ari ni 1st day posa..ak posa kat umah mk ck sahur pnya la awai..kul 4.30 pg..slalu ak sahur dh nk dkat2 bang bru bgun..hehehe..bru x lapaq ni dh kul 2 dh..perut pun dh mula nk keroncong..ak rasa smpi ptg nnt mst dh heavy metal dh lam perut ak 2..xd nya nk ykeroncong g..huh..cmni la tiap2 taun 1st day posa..heheh
-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Aug 30, 2008

Welcome to My Paradise

Welcome to My Paradise
~ Steven & The Coconuttrees ~

come and take a look up through my eyes
and you'll be ...... what (people let us be??)
people give in fighting telling lies
they critisize and hate each other

nature's color ...... change somehow
the seas are bright the skies are big and clear
all of this things make me feel so down
and think about finding my own place

a place that we can dance and drink
a place where we can share some weeds
a place ...... and everybody can come

welcome to my paradise
where the skies are blue where the sun shines so bright
welcome to my paradise
where you can be free and the party's neverending

nature's color ...... change somehow
the seas are bright the skies are big and clear
all of this is making me feel so down
and think about finding my own place

welcome to my paradise
where the skies are blue where the sun shines so bright
welcome to my paradise
where you can be free and the party's neverending

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

gitar x dpt, penat yg ak dpt..

smlm ak p KL nek bus kat tmn maju..tujuan ak p sna nk wat manager profile psl mak cik ak yg dok kat b.b.bangi 2..then lg 1 sbb ak nk p bli bass guitar yg 2ndhand pnya sbb bajet x cukup nk bli yg bru..dh smpi KL Sentral..ak pun nek la putra ke ampang park..dh smpi sna ak ingtkn ampang point kat area2 c2..puas2 ak jln2 cari kedai muzik..last2 x jmpa gak..pas2 ak tnya la org katna ampang point..pas2 depa ckp kna nek bus p sna..huh..penat beb..pas2 ak pun nek la bus p sna..dh smpi sna..ak p la cari kat dlm 2..yg jmpa kedai yamaha ja..pling murah pun seribu lebih..x mkn la ak cm2..haih..pas2 ak p la cari kat area luaq..cari pnya la cari da bpa kedai ja yg ak jmpa..kedai muzik bass guitar plak xd..mmg tensen btoi la..pas2 dh fed up ak pun nek bus blik ampang park..dri ampang point nk ke ampang park pnya la jam..dh la ak kna berdri smpi 1 jam..mmg skit pnggang la..pas2 ak pun nek train blik KL sentral sbb nk tukaq train nk umah mk ck ak..atas train pun kna berdiri lg..haih..pa2 kat KL sentral pun kna berdiri lg sbb rmi gila org nk nek kna berdiri dpn2 la..1st train yg smpi ak mmg x smpt nk nek sbb rmi sngt kna la tgu next train..dh la lmbt..akhirnya ak dpt gak nek train..time 2 kul 8 lbeh..rmi yg bru blik kena la berdiri lg..haih..dh smpi stesen UKM ak pun nek teksi p umah mk ck abes la cita ak spnjng ari smlm..kesimpulannya..gitar ak x dpt, penat plak yg ak dpt..
-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Aug 26, 2008

Full Throttle Autoshow 2008

setelah sekian lama ak menyepi...smlm black sound ak sbb da blob tp x ari ni ak pun merajinkn dri la post new blog..kali ni ak nk cita psl ak p tgk autoshow kat ipoh sb2 lepas(23/8/08)..da show drift keta..1st time ak tgk live..heheh..ak bertolak ngan zyker dri utp kul 11 cm2..sblm 2 kmi p tambun dlu sbb nk amik pass cameraman tok zyker..pas2 trus grak p ipoh stadium..kat sna ak tgk keat sempoi2..huh..jeles gila..nk gak sebijik..yg best skali ni la 1st time ak jd kameraman..hehehe..ak pnjm kamera wafi ja..nk bli x p sna nmpk style photographer la plak..sbnrnya x reti sngt pun..hehehe..kat sna jmpa rmi gak photographer yg terer2..zyker ckp camera depa da yg smpi 14 ribu...2 bru body..blom tmbah lens ngan flash g..heheh..dh da camera 2..leh la p amik pic dkat2..hehehe..dpt amik pic keta ni 1st bnyk gmbaq yg buruk..da la ckit2 yg leh dbanggakn..hehehe..pas2 amik pic model beb..mula2 ingt nk lepak smpi tgh mlm..tgk2 mlm cm x best kmi pun blah kul 8 la pengalaman yg best lam driku..hehehe..nnt kalo da duit nk bli sbjik camera..bru nmpk style..nk amik gmbaq model ka..keta ka..xyah malu2 dh..heheh..2 ja cita ak kali ni..chow..

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Aug 19, 2008

Dynamic Agrotek Committee..

sungguh x ku sangka..sblm ni slalu p interview tp x penah dpt pun..kali ni ak p la try utk jd committee dynamic agrotek camp utk belia2 negeri Perak anjuran Rakan Muda..dijangkakan camp 2 akan diadakan pd bln 12 ni..tetiba pd keesokan ari 2 da akak 2 msg ckp ak dpt join the team..happy gila..ak mntk nk join activity n event..akhirnya dpt gak..hehehe..1st time jd committee..x sangka lngsung..mlm ni da briefing psl MAHA 2008..esk kmi nk p sna blajaq psl agrotek ni..nk kumpul info utk camp nnt..ingtkn meeting lama..tgk2 sat ja sbb da org nk guna blik 2..x smpt nk suai kenal ngan cnior2..cm2 la ksah 1st time jd committee..

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Aug 16, 2008

Mengapa Perpisahan Yang Kau Pinta

seketika itu sepi mencuit hati
hanya suara hujan seakan menyanyi
mendendangkan lagu syahdu
ketika ku terpegun
merenung jauh gambar mu sayangku

terkilan rasa bila kata kata mu
kau ucapkan pada ku membuat ku terpaku
bersama-sama sms mu setelah kubaca kini
seolah ku berada dalam mimpi

titisan demi titisan
air mata ku jatuh berlinangan
ku genggam gambar mu dalam pelukan mesra
tak mungkin dapat ku melupakan mu sayang

di dalam dunia ini tak mungkin
dapat ku cari pengganti diri mu
oh..mengapa perpisahan yang kau pinta
dari ku.......dari ku

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Aug 14, 2008

tasik..masih x cukup lagi makanan ikan...

jam kul 1.06 pg..smlm 1 clas ja..lab SP..time clas plak xd letrik..mcm2 la..clas IS dh la gila..dh la 2 jam..heheh..ptg td p tasik g..ari ni bli 2 pack mknn ikan..1 p bg kat jmbtn..lg 1 kat tepi masjid..heheh..pas2 mlm 2 da Ko-Q..wat kat court badminton..cikgu 2 swoh lari2 la..wat streaching la..pas2 bg lecture la..boring gila smpi 2 jam..pas2 blik 2 black ajak kuaq mkn kat cafe bwh nk jamming ja time 2..heheh..dh lma x jamming dh ni..bila lg xtaw la..kna tgu abg farid cekang batu gajah la dlu..hehe..abes la cita ak..
-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Aug 13, 2008

tasik, makanan ikan, ikan x cukup makan...

jam skrng tepat kul 2.05 pagi..smlm ari yg penat..clas direct..mkn wantan mee kat in 2 eat x sdap lngsung..rugi ja byaq 2.50..x ksh la..jnji perut kenyang..clas abes kul 3..pas2 kepak blik smbil lyn gitar kapok ku..pas2 ptg2 tiba kwnku ajak nek beskal pusing utp..tgk2 ujan..then cancel nek beskal..ujan dh p joging ngan dia kat tasik..dok sembang2 dia ajak bg mkn kmi pun la da amik mknn ikan kat masjid..xtaw napa dia hepy gila bg ikan mkn..heheh..ak pun lyn ja la kerenah dia..pas2 kmi pun blik..mlm plak dok blik lyn gitar g..x abes2 ngan gitar..tgu amirul nk my blik ak tune gitar x smpi2 pun..last ak bkak bnda 2..tulis la bnda mengarut ni..
-the end-
-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Aug 11, 2008

Class CO dan kapal terbangku...

hari ini dlm sejarah...tepat kul 3ptg start la clas yg plng boring utk sem ni..clas mr. saipunidzam..clas computer organization..dh msuk mngu ke-4 dh..1 pun ak x phm pa yg dia dok merapu kat dpn 2..dh la bdk BIS ngan ICT cmpur skali..kenduri sakan la kmi..dh mlas nk dgaq dia dok ckp kat kmi kat blkng pun wat la bsing kat least x la boring sngt..dh la class 2 jam..kalo 1/2 jam clas pun cm nk mampuih ari ni dh xtaw nk wat pa..ak pun wat la kpl terbang cm time zmn skolah dlu..pau la yg start dlu dia dok wat robot pa xtaw..hahah..pas2 dok men la sorng2...xpun dok sembang smpi bsing 1 clas..mamat kat dpn 2 wat xtaw kmi pun lyn la..yg best skali time kutuk ayoh sbb smlm dia blanja bdk pmpuan clas ak mkn satay..kaw2 pnya kmi bntai dia...hahaha..pas2 time dia swoh wat lthn..ak pun bntai la jwpn bdk nerd kat bwh ak 2..hehehe..pas2 abes la clas mamat saipunidzam 2..time ak kuaq dpt plak msg dri zawn..hahah..dia siap tulis jgn dok wat bsing lam clas..ak pun lyn ja la..bkn nk msuk pala otak pun msg dia 2..hahaha..abes la cita ak...chow...
-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Aug 9, 2008

prize giving ceremony..

mlm ni merupakan mlm penyampaian hadiah tok pemenang bg treasure hunt..majlis dimulakan agak lmbt skit lbeh kurng kul 9.45 cm2 la..ak pun x ingt suma sbb nk tgu VIP..besa la..VIP slalu my lmbt..sja nk swoh org tgu lama2..pas2 acara pun start la ngan slide show activity ptg td..tnjuk la gmbar2 suma org..yg best skali da pic team plak 2..heheh..then cm besa la, ucapan dri project manager treasure hunt 2..then smpi masa tok bg jwpn bg soalan tok treasure hunt pd ptg td..suma org agak teruja la nk taw jwpn termasuk la ak..1st2 skali dia bg jwpn tok activity kat Kellie's Castle ak btoi 1 ja..huhu..dh la soalan kmi susah gak..yg len cm senang ja..trus leh dpt jwpn..xyah pkir time cuba lg k..pas2 dia bg jwpn tok soalan2 lam buku panduan 2 lak..soalan 1st ja kmi dh slah..haih..mybe sbb nervous kot..lgpun time 2 ak x tntu arah ckit la sbb x bpa nk reti baca bku panduan yg kmi dpt 2..then jwpn2 tok soalan yg seterusnya..mmg agak plek la jwpn2 yg dia bg..kna btoi2 kreatif bru leh jmpa jwpn 2..heheh..stlah ditmbh ak dpt 13/ bad la sbb bru 1 st time join..da gak jwpn yg kmi ingt btoi tp x letak..tgk2 jwpn yg 2 la yg btoi..bengan gila..hehe..then jwpn tok treasurer yg part best ak dpt 4/5..dh la markah setiap item 20...heheh..suma ni berkat usaha kmi sekumpulan..heheh..then time penyampaian hadiah..kebnykn yg menang 2 senoir2 ak..dh da pnglmn lam treasure hunt kmi pun redha ja la..xd rezki nk wat time kmi cuba lg..goal kmi adalah nk nek pentas amik hadiah x ksh la hadiah pa pun jnji dpt..bru puas hati..hehe..tmpt pertam dpt kat kumpulan 'Terbaik'..dh nama pun terbaik, mmg terer la..depa dpt cash 1000 rngt n baucer percutian 400 rngt..then majlis pun bersurai..sblm 2 ak nk ucap trima kseh kpd suma teammate ak,adeera,beeha,diyanah yg bnyk bekerjasama n memberi komitmen yg sepenuhnya walaupun kmi agak keletihan..thx u all!!!..and 1 lg..nk mntk mf kat beeha sbb td jerit 2 kat beeha...sbnrnya bkn nk mrah agak tension ckit..sory ek..hehe..that all utk hari ni..nk tdoq sbb pnat sngt..chow
-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Treasure Hunt 2008..

hari ini dlm sejarah..hari ni merupakan hari yg enjoy wat ak dan teammateku..
hari ni merupakan hari treasure hunt around Perak..ak bgun kul 6 pg tok mndi..
pas2 lbeh kurang lam kul 6.45 pg..beeha, adeera n diyanah dtg menjemputku di dpn V2A...
sbnrnya jnji nk pergi kul 6.30..ttp dsbbkn berlaku masalah teknikal ngan sticker keta yg xmau nk lekat2..2 yg delay smpi kul 6.45 pg 2..kmi smpi d tmpt permulaan lbeh kurng 5 min kemudian..kmi merupakan team yg ke-15 smpi d sna(kalo x slap ak la..heheh)..pas2 ak ngan beeha pun p la dftr dri kat booth permulaan 2..pas amik breakfast..kmi pun blik ke keta kmi yg bernombor 44..sblm mula kmi smpt g possing dpn keta 1st time kmi join treasure hunt ni..o x mnghrp papa la..just nk enjoy ja...sblm start kmi siap mkn sandwich yg adeera wat dlu..da smpi 3 tapawe..sbgi bekalan tok spnjng perjlnn 2..tepat kul 7.30 pg..kmi pun dilepaskn..1st check point kmi kat area tronoh ja..soalan 1st ja dh wat kmi pening pala..dkat stgh jam gak la kmi dok pkiaq pa jwpn dia..pas2 adeera bg idea dia berdasarkn klue yg kmi pun guna ja jwpn dia 2..pas2 2 stesen yg strusnya pun kat area tronoh gak..then stesen lg 1 kat area sblm smpi batu kali ni soalan dia xla sush mana sgt..bleh gak la cri jwpn lam masa yg singkat...pas2 kmi pun travel la smpi ke Kellie Castle tok checkpoint yg pertama...d c2 kmi diberi tahu bhwa kmi team yg ke-7 lg bersemangat la kmi tok selesaikn task 1 2...amik masa gak la sbb kna study sejarah2 kat area2 c2..akhirnya kmi dpt gak xtaw la btoi ka x..heheh..pas2 kmi straight ke Taman Herba utk task yg seterusnya...d c2 kmi dikehendaki mencari 2 jenis tumbuhan..tgh2 bz dok cari..tiba2 da 2 3 org mak cik yg keja kat c2 bg kmi pa lg...laju ja la kmi p amik gmbr pokok2 2..hehehe..pas2 next stage 2 kmi kena travel jauh gila..smpi ke gua tempurung...kmi team no 11 smpi kat sna..mula2 ingt dh sesat dh..tgk2 kmi team no 11 smpi...d c2 1st task kmi adalah kena lastik tin minuman..setiap sorng dpt lastik skali..da 4 kmi punya la mlng..1 tin pun x kna..dh la x dpt point..pas2 kna denda g..kmi kna mkn 3 ulas bwng putih mentah..asam jawa..telur mentah sebijik..sos tomato 1 cwn dan buah pa xtaw..rrasa buah 2 cm bila kita muntah,pas2 kita mkn blik muntah kita 2 la rasa buah 2..pas ak mkn..trus perut kacau...pas2 kmi kna msuk lam guan tempurung cari pa xtaw..nama dia pun ak x ingt...ingtkn kna cari..rupa2nya p jmpa org kat dlm 2 ja..dia tnjuk la batu2 kat c2 yg da bntuk binatang cm kura2,kuda,buaya n mcm2 g la..mmg unik la kat gua tempurung 1st time ak smpi sna..pas2 kmi pun bergerak ke tempat air terjun kat mana xtaw..ak x ingt lg skali..hehe..yg ak taw dkat ngan highway nk p cameron highland..kat sna kmi kna redah sungai..pas2 kmpul 5 plastik air sungai...then pas2 slah sorng dri kmi iaitu ak kna baling air 2 dan beeha,adeera n diyanah kna smbut ngan baju..dsbbkn ak sorng ja ak kna korbankn la bju ak 2...kra ok gak la kmi dpt smbut 4 beg drpd 5 beg..hehe..pas2 kmi travel ptah blik ke Kg. Gajah..mula2 kmi ingt mmg dh sesat sh sbb mileage kmi x brapa sama ngan mileage yg diberikn lam buku panduan 2..tba2 dlm dok bmbang2 kmi jmpa panduan lam map kmi pun amik la jalan ke Teluk Intan..time kami turn kiri 2..sblah kmi da lg 1 team yg jln straight ja..kmi pun plek..mybe dia amik shortcut kot..ntah la..mula2 kmi pun was2 gak sbb takut slah..tgk2 dgn kerjasama 1 team kmi berada di jln yg benar..cewah..hehehe..jauh gak la nk smpi kg. Gajah 2..kna lalu kot jln kampung suma..tiem kmi smpi d sna..kmi bleh dktakn antara top 5 gak la yg smpi..hehe..pas2 kat sna kmi dsuruh amik gmbr kat sna..kule dia 'jaringan kedai makan'..mula2 kmi ingt food p la amik gmbr kat sna..pas2 time p check silap..kali ke-2 kmi ingt kedai internet..silap lg..kali-3 kmi jmpa signboard 'cyber cafe' kmi p la amik gmbr kat sna..kali ni pun silap, ketiga-tiga peluang kmi abes..kmi pun x dpt points utk task 2..and then kmi kena cari jwpn tok soalan lam buku panduan 2 kat area 2 jgak..pnya la sush nk mampuih...rmi gila team yg stuck kat sna..smpi awai ka..lmbt ka..suma at least drpd 3 soalan 2..insyaallah da 2 btoi slah 1 drpd 3 2 cmfrm btoi..og yg dpt jwpnnya adalah ak..hehe(dgn perasaan bangga) after that kmi pun travel la smpi Bota Kanan tok utk menjawab 3 soalan yg seterusnya..lam masa x smpi 5 mint suma dh siap..kira agak senang gak la soalan dia..heheh..agak straight 2 da point..pas2 kmi pun bergerak ke Kompleks Tuntung dkat area c2..mula2 kmi terlajak sbb x prasan kat c2 da tabung kmi pun patah blik dan jmpala tmpt 2..time kmi smpi ja abg yg incharge 2 ckp kmi team 1st yg smpi..kmi pun hepy la..hehehe..pas2 kat sna kmi kna amik gmbr ngan tuntung(spesies kura-kura) , dan wajib menunjukkan kasih syg terhadap binatnag 2..ak pun tngkap la seekor..kmi pun possing abes la..adeera siap kis2 lg tuntung 2..hehehe..senang ja pun nk tngkap..dia letak lam kolam..heheh..bnyk gila..da yg kecik..da yg besaq..mula2 abg 2 ckp cuma tngkp seekor ja..pas dh abes amik gmbr kmi pun p la cari jwpn tok 2 soalan akhir lam buku 2..tiba2 akak yg incharge 2 pnggil kmi blik sbb kna amik gmbr setiap org pegang seekor tuntung 2..buang masa kmi ja..dh la team len pun dh smpi..pas2 kmi pun amik la gmbr lg skali..pnya la pyah nk swoh beeha pegang tuntung 2..dkat 15 min gak la dok pjuk dia..2 pun buang masa g..hehehe..lasst2 dia brani gak..caya la beeha..hehe..then smsa kmi nk serahkn suma jwpn dlm buku 2..tba2 kmi bru prasan bhwa sblm ni tiem taklimat dlu da ckp pal treasurer yg kmi kna kumpul..kmi ingtkn kna kmuplu time wat task suma 2..x jmpa gak pun..last2 kmi p tnya akak yg incharge kat Kompleks Tuntung 2..dia ckp treasurer 2 kna bli sndri..lega kmi..dh la suma treasurer 2 100 mrkh, 1 item 20 mrkh..kalo kna kumpul dri start journey mati la kmi..dh la kmi dh smpi last pnya check point..pas2 time nk antaq soalan 2 akak 2 ckp kna print out suma pic yg kmi amik..sblm ni x ckp awai2 pun..pas2 kmi p la cri kdai gmbr kat area 2..dh jmpa org kedai 2 ckp xleh print lak..pas2 p smpi cyber cafe, org 2 xleh nk detect memory card beeha la sbb sblm 2 time redah sungai 2 hp dia msuk ayaq,xleh nk on trus....tension gila time 2..dh la lam hp ak xd backup pic yg beeha amik pnya..agak menyesal gak la time 2..tiba2 time nk p cri treasurer kat kdai runcit area Kompleks Tuntung 2..tiba2 akak 2 call adeera ckp photo xyah print lak..cuma tnjuk ja bila smpi utp nnt..kmi bengang gila..dri no 1 turun ke no bpa pun xtaw..nk cri treasurer 2 bknnya senang..klue dia mendalam gila..xleh nk agak pa brg kna bli..pas2 kmi ternmpk team len bli brg utk treasurer 2..kmi pun ikut bli brg yg..pas kmi check brg 2 da gak logik ngan klue yg kmi da 2..hehe..pas2 kmi pun blik la ke utp..dgn perasaan yg agak kecewa ttp enjoy..hehe..bila smpi ja kat utp..kmi pun straight ke tmpt tempat penyerahan treasurer 2..bla smpi ja kat sna..tgk2 abg yg incharge kat sna guna sma hp ngan kmi try la msukkn memory card dia dlm hp abg 2..akhirnya dpt gak kmi tunjuk pic tumbuh-tumbuhan yg kmi amik 2..kalo x rugi ja 20 mrkh..hehe..pas2 kmi pun diberitahu bhwa kmi team ke-4 yg smpi..ok la 2..then kmi pun wat la aduan kat ang 2 psl mslh misunderstood org2 yg incharged kat Kompleks Tuntung td..then abg 2 ckp time x pnting pun..yg pnting point pas2 kmi pun blik la ke blik masing2 lbeh kurng kul 3.45 ptg..
-The End-

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

Aug 8, 2008


Reggae is a music genre first developed in Jamaica in the late 1960s.

While sometimes used in a broader sense to refer to most types of Jamaican music, the term reggae more properly denotes a particular music style that originated following on the development of ska and rocksteady. Reggae is based on a rhythm styleoff-beat, known as the skank. The tempo is generally slower than that found in ska. Reggae usually has accents on the 3rd beat in each bar, there being four beats in a bar; many people think it's accentuated on the 2ndth, because of the rhythm guitar. characterized by regular chops on the and 4

Reggae is often associated with the Rastafari movement, an influence on many prominent reggae musicians from its inception. Reggae song lyrics deal with many subjects, including faith, love, sexuality, relationships, poverty, injustice and other broad social issues.

Musical characteristics

Reggae is always played in 4/4 time or swing time, because the symmetrical rhythm pattern does not lend itself to other time signatures such as 3/4 time. Harmonically, the music is often very simple, and sometimes a whole song will have no more than one or two chords. The Bob MarleySteel Pulse and the Wailers song "Exodus" is almost entirely comprised of A-minor chords. These simple repetitious chord structures add to reggae's sometimes hypnotic effect. However, Marley also wrote more complex chord structures, and bands such as
have often used very complex chord structures.

Drums and other percussion
A standard drum kit is generally used, but the snare drum is often tuned very high to give it a timbale-type sound. Some reggae drummers use a separate additional timbale or high-tuned snare to get this sound. Rim shots on the snare are commonly used, and tom-tom drums are often incorporated into the drumbeat itself. From the mid-80s onward, electronic instruments such as synthesizers and samplers have been used for the same purpose, especially by reggae artists who write in the Stepper and Dancehall styles.

Reggae drumbeats fall into three main categories: One drop, Rockers and Steppers. With the One drop, the emphasis is entirely on the third beat of the bar (usually on the snare, or as a rim shot combined with bass drum). Beat one is completely empty, which is extremely unusual in popular music. There is some controversy about whether reggae should be counted so that this beat falls on the 3, or whether it should be counted half as fast so that it falls on the 2 and 4. This article follows the convention of placing the beat on the 3. Many credit Carlton Barrett of The Wailers as the creator of this style, although it may actually have been invented by Winston Grennan. An example played by Barrett can be heard in the Bob Marley and the Wailers song "One Drop". Barrett often used an unusual triplet cross-rhythm on the hi-hat, which can be heard on many recordings by Bob Marley and the Wailers, such as "Running Away" on the Kaya album.

An emphasis on beat three is in all reggae drumbeats, but with the Rockers (pronounced like "raucous") beat, the emphasis is also on beat one (usually on bass drum). This beat was pioneered by the prolific innovative duo of Sly and Robbie — Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare — who later also helped create the "Rub-a-Dub" sound that greatly influenced Dancehall. An example of the Rockers beat is in "Night Nurse" by Gregory Isaacs. The Rockers beat is not always straightforward, and various syncopations are often included. An example of this is the Black Uhuru song "Sponji Reggae."

In Steppers, the bass drum plays four solid beats to the bar, giving the beat an insistent drive. An example is "Exodus" by Bob Marley and the Wailers. Another common name for the Steppers beat is the "four on the floor".

The Steppers beat was also adopted (at a much higher tempo) by some of the 2 ToneThe Beat and "Too Much Too Young" by The Specials. ska revival bands of the late 1970s and early 1980s. Examples include "Stand Down Margaret" by

An unusual characteristic of reggae drumming is that the drum fills often do not end with a climactic cymbal. A wide range of other percussion instrumentation is used in reggae. Bongos are often used to play free, improvised patterns, with heavy use of African-style cross-rhythms. Cowbells, claves and shakers tend to have more defined roles and a set pattern.


The bass guitar often plays a very dominant role in reggae, and the drum and bass is often called the riddim. Several reggae singers have released different songs recorded over the same riddim. The central role of the bass can particularly be heard in dub music — which gives an even bigger role to the drum and bass line, reducing the vocals and other instruments to peripheral roles. The bass sound in reggae is thick and heavy, and equalized so the upper frequencies are removed and the lower frequencies emphasised. The bass line is often a simple two-bar riff that is centred around its thickest and heaviest note (which in musical terms is often the harmonic root note) - the other notes in the basslineSun Is Shining" by Bob Marley and the Wailers. often serve simply to lead you towards the bassist note. An example of this can be heard on "


The rhythm guitar in reggae usually plays the chords on beats two and four, a musical figure known as skank or the 'bang'. It has a very dampened, short and scratchy chop sound, almost like a percussion instrument. Sometimes a double chop is used when the guitar still plays the off beats, but also plays the following 8th beats on the up-stroke. An example is the intro to "Stir It Up" by The Wailers.

The lead guitar will often add a rock or blues-style melodic solo to a song, but much of the time it plays the same part as the bass line an octave higher, with a very muted and picked sound. This is often referred to as the "bubble" and adds definition to the bass line (which is usually devoid of upper frequencies), and emphasizes the bass melody. Sometimes the guitar will play a counter-melody to the bass line instead.


From the late 1960s through to the early 1980s, a piano was generally used in reggae to double the rhythm guitar's skank, playing the chords in a staccato style to add body, and playing occasional extra beats, runs and riffs. The piano part was widely taken over by synthesizers during the 1980s, although synthesizers have been used in a peripheral role since the 1970s to play incidental melodies and countermelodies. Larger bands may include either an additional keyboardist, to cover or replace horn and melody lines, or the main keyboardist filling these roles on two or more keyboards. The latter has become increasingly popular as keyboard technology improves.

The reggae-organ shuffle is unique to reggae. Typically, a Hammond organ-style sound is used to play chords with a choppy feel. This is known as the bubble. There are specific drawbar settings used on a Hammond console to get the correct sound. This may be the most difficult reggae keyboard rhythm. The 8thIs This Love" and "Midnight Ravers" by Bob Marley. beats are played with a space-left-right-left-space-left-right-left pattern. The right-hand part coincides with the rhythm guitar and piano. It makes the music sound faster than it really is. The organ often also plays melodic runs and extra beats. The organ part is typically quite low in the mix, and is often more felt than heard. Examples include the songs "Natural Mystic", "


Horn sections are frequently used in reggae, often playing introductions and counter-melodies. Instruments included in a typical reggae horn section include saxophone, trumpet and/or trombone. In more recent times, real horns are sometimes replaced in reggae by synthesizers or recorded samples. The horn section is often arranged around the first horn, playing a simple melody or counter melody. The first horn is usually accompanied by the second horn playing the same melodic phrase in unision, one octave higher. The third horn usually plays the melody an octave and a fifth higher than the first horn. The horns are generally played fairly softly, usually resulting in a soothing sound. However, sometimes punchier, louder phrases are played for a more up-tempo and aggressive sound.


The vocals in reggae are less of a defining characteristic of the genre than the instrumentation and rhythm. Almost any song can be performed in a reggae style. Vocal harmony parts are often used, either throughout the melody (as with bands such as the Mighty Diamonds), or as a counterpoint to the main vocal line (as with the backing group I-Threes). The BritishSteel Pulse used particularly complex backing vocals. An unusual aspect of reggae singing is that many singers use tremolo (volume oscillation) rather than vibrato (pitch oscillation). Notable exponents of this technique include Dennis Brown and Horace Andy. The toasting vocal style is unique to reggae, originating when DJs improvised along to dub tracks, and it is generally considered to be a precursor to rap. It differs from rap mainly in that it is generally melodic, while rap is generally more a spoken form without melodic content.

Lyrical themes

Reggae is noted for its tradition of social criticism, although many reggae songs discuss lighter, more personal subjects, such as love, sex and socializing. Many early reggae bands also covered Motown or Atlantic soul and funkmaterialism, or by informing the listener about controversial subjects such as Apartheid. Many reggae songs promote the use of cannabisherb or ganja), considered a sacrament in the Rastafari movement. There are many artists who utilize religious themes in their music — whether it be discussing a religious topic, or simply giving praise to the Rastafari God Jah. Other common socio-political topics in reggae songs include black nationalism, anti-racism, anti-colonialism, anti-capitalism, criticism of political systems and "Babylon", and promotion of caring for needs of the younger generation.

-reggae soul from reditumerah-

hari pertama ak kat bnda ni...

hari ini dalam sejarah...pagi ni ak bgun kul 8 pg.. sbb nk antaq amirul p tmn maju...dia nk blik umah dia kat KL..kata dia nk jaga mak dia sbb kat umah xd org...ak xtaw btoi ka pas gosok gigi n bsuh muka..dgn suaq dan baju tdoq..dalam keadaan mamum..tepat jam 8.30pg..ak pun rembat helmet tanduk merah kesayanganku..yg ku smpan dlm almari orenku...lalu ku menuju ke parking motor kat blkng V2..sbb kat dpn V2A xd tmpt parking berbumbung..sbb sygkn "bini ak 2" (EX5 Biru)..ak pun sgup parking jauh dri blik ak..sbb xmau bg bini ak 2 deman..nnt kena msuk workshop..duit lg..pas2 ak pun start la moto ak 2..tiba2 amirul tepon ckp dia tgh tgu ak dh sbb bus dia kul 9..ak pun x smpt sngt nk panaskan bini ak dgn kepala yg agak bengong.. ak pun menuju CH tok amik dia..lalu ku merempit la cm besa smpi ke stesen bus tmn maju..dh smpi sna..tba2 amirul kuaq duit 2 rngt..dia ckp 2 duit mnyk..ak pun
rembat ja la..rezki jgn ak pun blik la utp blik...smpi ja kat blik. 2..ak pun bkn comp ak..1st thing ak wat adalah bkak winamp..cari lagu bob marley..singer kesayanganku..ak bdk reggae..kat utp ni ak x jmpa sapa2 lg pun yg da minat cm ak neh..kecuali mmber ak sorng ni nama dia kecik..dia lyn gak la lagu republik of brickfield..kalo x caya tgk kat blog dia...pas2 ak pun bkak Guitar Pro 5..lyn lagu2 bru..pagi ni ak baru blajaq lagu baru..only you & unchained melody..2 2 lagu elvis presly..lyn gak la gitar 2 lagu ni..simple ja..xla susah sngt..lgpun ak bkn terer men gitar pun..ak da gitar kapok ja..mmber ak bg time
form 3 dlu..warna plak merah..masuk ngan jiwa aku la...pas lyn 2 2 lagu 2..ak pun bkak la Mozilla Firefox..pas2 cmna xtaw ak terbaca blog mmber bek ak..
ryehanah tahir....pas2 ak pun bkak la blog2 bdk2 techies..pas2 cmna xtaw tiba tergerak rasa hati nk wat blog ak pun create la account kat cni..ps2 ak pun start la tulis bnda2 mengarut neh..sbb xtaw nk start ngan pa kat blog ak neh..
pas2 tiba2 kul 11.45pg rudy buzz ak ajak mkn..sbb ak x mndi ak swoh dia tgu smpi kul 12.30..ermmm...smpi d sni ja la pg ni..ak nk p mndi..pas2 p mkn..akhir,peace,harmony..reggae still on when dreadlock is our local reggae band..nnt kita cita psl reggae scene plak k..

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